Quiz map of Africa game” is a timed game in which you have to quickly recognize the countries of Africa just by observing their shape. The game has 50 quizzes with answers. You have to recognize the country that appears in the 3D image to get 5 points. Test your geography knowledge in a challenging game. Work quickly to guess the country by its shape. Aim to get at least 5 points on each level with 50 levels total!

Test your knowledge of Africa by taking our Quiz map of Africa

The Quizmap game is a fun educational tool. Africa is a unique continent, rich in history and cultural diversity. We highlight the different shapes of African countries to increase knowledge about where we live or would like to live. The objective is to learn the African countries’ shape. This educational and entertaining game has 50 questions of Africa that are simple and funny and will entertain you with their simplicity and entertainment, their interior design is done in 3D and can be viewed from any angle . A good way to teach geography in all its beauty, each country is assigned a name. Just have fun and try to discover as many countries on the map as possible by recognizing their shapes! Similar games can be played on  Silvergames

Find out what country you live in by taking Quiz map of Africa

Play Africa map game, a timed game in which you have to quickly recognize the countries of Africa just by observing their shape. The game has 50 quizzes with answers. You have to recognize the country that appears in the 3D image to get 5 points.  Africa is a continent shared by the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere and overlooks the mediterranean sea to the north, ATLANTIC OCEAN to the west and Indian Ocean to the east. It has a population of over 1,393,676,444 inhabitants (2021) for an area of approximately 30 million km2, giving a population density of 46.1 inhabitants per km2.

Quiz map of Africa : 50 Questions with Answers

Quiz Map of Africa is a game which helps to remember the shapes of African countries through a game. Test your knowledge in this timed game! Africa’s always been considered the cradle of humanity and the quiz map of Africa game is here to prove it. Are you ready to take that challenge? We brought this continent-wide game for everyone that loves Africa. Test your knowledge through the 50 quizzes that are available!

Location map quiz

Location map quiz

Chemical tube filling Geo Quiz

Chemical tube filling Geo Quiz

Basket ball geo quiz

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Panic Quiz Geo Games

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Flags quiz

Flags quiz

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Famous places quiz

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Labyrinth Geo Quiz

Labyrinth Geo Quiz

Memory games

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True or False Geo Quiz 10 questions

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Multiplayer Geo quiz : 2 players

Multiplayer Geo quiz : 2 players

True or False Geo Quiz 20 questions

True or False Geo Quiz 20 questions

Snowman geo quiz game

Snowman geo quiz game

Quiz map of Africa : an educational game to test your skills

It’s an educational game with the aim of strengthening the knowledge of children, students, parents and teachers on mastering the shapes of the countries in which they live or would like to go there. The quiz is a fun game aimed at increasing knowledge.

This is an educational game that you can find on Chrome. It helps students to develop their knowledge and share some useful information with others and this way learn fascinating facts about the continent of Africa. Be careful, you have only 15  seconds for each exercise (the time is indicated at the top). You must have a set of skills and knowledge to create your puzzle history. Get ready to travel around Africa with your computer or mobile device and complete the journey without making mistakes.

Take our fun quiz to test your knowledge of African geography!

1. Africa is the second largest continent in the world, exceeded only by Asia; 2. Its total surface area is 30,277,049 km2; 3. Its population is more than 1 billion, making it the most populated continent in the world; 4. The African continent is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Indian Ocean to the east; 5. There are 54 countries that make up Africa, 54 flags or national symbols of which you will have to recognize between 25 and 50 (depending on your level) in order to win this game that tests your visual skills or your memory and your knowledge of world geography ; 6. Africa was discovered by Europe at the end of antiquity and became a European colony during the Middle Ages but only after a few decades did European colonization take hold; 7.

Today Africa is no longer colonized, but struggle with its identity as they try to find their place on a global scale while being aware of their unique cultural heritage; 8. The African education system has been radically changing since 1990 with a growth in enrollment in higher education programs

Africa is one of the most diverse continents on earth. Find out more about its geography and culture with our quiz !

Africa is one of the most diverse continents on earth. Find out more about its geography and culture with our quiz map!

Which country has the largest land area? 

Algeria 2,381,741 km2 (919,595 sq mi)

Which African country has more than 100 million people?

Nigeria 218,839,589 (2022)

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