South America quiz capitals
South america quiz capitals tests users’ knowledge of the cities and capitals of South America. We offer 2 games of 10 and 15 questions to help you master the continent’s geography.

South America Quiz capitals allows you to test your knowledge of the top cities of South America.
How well do you know the cities and capitals of the South America countries? This ‘South America Quiz: Capitals’ app will help you learn and test your knowledge on the capital cities of South American countries.
Do you know your capitals? This quiz tests the user’s knowledge of the capitals of South American countries. The user is provided with 15 multiple choice questions about the capital cities of 1990’s South American countries. It is meant to be very challenging, yet it can be enjoyed by both experts and novices alike. With this South America countries and capitals quiz you can test your knowledge on the capitals of South American countries. The more questions you answer correctly, the harder the game becomes.
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Test yourself on your knowledge of South America with this free multiple choice quiz. We offer three quizzes, the first with 10 questions, another with 15 questions, and an extended quiz with 30 cities to see how much you really know! Choose the difficulty level you want to play at and answer as many or as few cities as you like.
Can you name the capitals of South America? Test yourself on this free online quiz & challenge your friends to see who’s the smartest!
The Challenge ahead is to find out how much do you really know about South American countries. It’s not an easy task but the information above should help you achieve that goal. A very comprehensive set of questions on this part of the world. We can’t think of a better way to have fun being so broad as you look at each country and their respective capital cities. The number of questions is surprising, as this is a small program.
Similar games are also available on Action quiz.