Test yourself on the Oceanian countries capital quiz. Some are obvious, some not so much. The quiz only includes the main cities. Every country in Oceania is represented here, from Australia and New Zealand to Fiji and Vanuatu

Oceanian countries capital quiz (10 questions)

Oceanian countries capital quiz (10 questions). This quiz test the user’s knowledge of the cities and capitals of Oceania.

Oceania is composed of the smallest countries and regions of the world, and very few of them have a large population. Therefore, it is no surprise that there are many people who do not know the principal cities of Oceania. This may well be your case, but we want to offer you a quick and easy remedy for this situation: our quiz on cities and capitals of Oceania, a continent marked by its immense size. (8,5 millions de km2).

The quiz presents the main cities and capitals of Oceania. Some are well-known, while others less. But if you know all of them, then you really know Oceania as a whole. It consists of isolated islands and island groups in the Pacific Ocean, plus a few small landlocked countries containing little but mountains in East-Central Polynesia. The islands at the geographic extremes of Oceania are occasionally grouped with their nearest continental neighbors, Papua New Guinea with East Timor, Indonesia with Melanesia and Australia with Micronesia.

Similar games can be played on  Britannica

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